*Trails Left Behind*

July 2008
August 2008
January 2009
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March 2010

*Flutter In*

Sunday, January 11, 2009

It has been three days since she's left, and I miss her terribly. You may think that I am being emo or dramatic but I don't give a damn about what you guys think. It just hurts so badly to think that she's now buried outside my house when exactly a week ago I was just playing with her. It hurts. It hurts so fucking bad that I really wish I could go back to a week ago. And cliche as it may sounds, but I'm constantly reminded of her everywhere I look. Her nursing bottle and milk powder; which now lie untouched in the kitchen. The spot where we placed her shoebox; Her favourite slippers on the porch , especially my bro's, as she would always crawl into it and fall asleep there. I also find myself walking unnecessarily to the door, as I used to when I peeked at her from behind the door every other hour to check on her.

Man, I hate feeling this way, this empty feeling. I miss putting her on my lap, and to feel her tiny paws against my skin. It's so unfair that she has to go just like that when she's only bloody five weeks old!

Friday, January 9, 2009
I Remember

I remember the day I took her in.
Three weeks ago on a warm December night, I heard her feeble cries on my neighbour's lawn.

I remember bugging my dad to allow me to keep her for the time being.
And he agreed.

I remember gently picking her up with trembling hands and placing her carefully in a shoebox.
She continued to wail loudly while she sniffed around the shoebox.

I remember the excitement and elation that flooded me as I stroke the tiny cotton ball look-alike kitten.
And how I felt the need to protect this fragile and delicate thing and nurse her back to health.

I remember feeding her with my inexperienced hands.
How I would have to pacify her into opening her mouth whenver she refused to drink;
How I would have to use a tiny spoon to painstakingly pour drops of milk into her tiny little mouth.

I remember how she wouldn't stop crying in the beginning despite any attempts to comfort her.
I would touch her little pink nose, allowing her to sniff at my fingers to get used to my scent.

I remember the way she tucked her head into a corner of the shoebox while she drifted off to sleep.
I soon came to know that it was her favourite sleeping position.

I remember how my brother and I would disturb her while she was taking an afternoon nap;
How we would tickle her ears just to see them twitch in protest.

I remember how she would wail incessantly as she tried to escape from the shoebox;
Clawing desperately at the sides till she tipped over the box.
She would then cease crying, sniff around curiously and would invariably end up falling asleep in my brother's slippers.

I remember how much she enjoyed being tickled.
The way she would flop over and lay on her back while I stroke her stomach;
The way her hind legs stretched and bucked as if she was enjoying it immensely.

I remember her chasing after my mom's painted toe nails.
How her eyes huge black eyes would stare fixedly at those red-coloured nails, never letting them out of her sight while she lunged suddenly at them.

I remember cleaning her up with a piece of cloth;
The way she would shut her eyes tightly while I dabbed away at her face;
The way she would stare accusingly at me after that.

I remember placing her tiny little paws on my fingers;
How pink and cold her pads had felt against my skin.

I remember how tiny she looked;
The way her entire body fitted easily into my palm.
The way she looked like a little white rat with a long black tail when she curled up to sleep.

I remember how much she loved it when I stroke her head and behind her ears;
How her eyes would slowly close;
How soft her fur had felt.

I remember putting her on my lap while I cuddled her.
And how she would lay contentedly while she licked and gently gnawed at my fingers.

I remember feeding her with the nursing bottle.
The cute way she would mew and the way she would stand on her hind legs as she sucked away urgently.

I remember holding her up and gently patting her back after feeding.
How she would either cling on tightly to my fingers or squirm to be freed.

I remember how she would come to me when I clapped my hands.
She would walk unsteadily towards my outstretched hand and stopped as if expected to be rewarded with a pet.

I remember tucking her in every night.
How I would watch her little tummy's rhythmic rising and falling to ensure that she has fallen asleep, before heading off to bed myself.

I remember feeling irritated whenever she peed or pooed.
How I would chide her as I clean her up.

I remember not spending enough time with her as I busied myself with school activites.
And how much I regretted it now.

I remember.. I remember..

I remember burying her yesterday.

I remember waking up to feed her in the morning as I always do.

I remember petting her head to wake her up, and how she did not respond.

I remember how unnaturally stiff her body had felt as I touched her usually warm and soft stomach.

I remember the way she looked when I realised that she had slipped away into the night; Her mouth slightly agape and her eyes closed.

As if she was still fast asleep.

I remember my mom wrapping her in the cloth that I used to clean her with and buried her outside our house.

I remember sobbing uncontrollably as I watched her being buried from afar.

I remember how I couldn't accept the fact that she was gone just like that.

How wrong it had felt to cover her up in soil, how it would dirty her body when I was always trying to keep her clean.

How weird it had felt to know that she is now lying in the ground when just a few hours ago she was still in the shoebox.

I remember feeling so empty and broken after the burial.

I remember so so much, though it has just been a short three weeks.

I remember the day I took her in.

And the impact that she had made in my life

I love you so much Cotton